martes, 10 de enero de 2012

Song in the ESL

People share a lot of resouces in Internet, so you can find a song in a website and a didactical propose in another. This is a example


In this website you can find a lot activities for this song

The song is very important for me to primary or english class because you can put in a song a lot of vocabulary or the vocabulary that you are preparing with your children.
The pedagogical use of the song makes learning fun for children. It´s a motivation idea to learn English

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi, Antía!

    In my opinion, songs are very important to teach and learn English, at any stage along the Primary. You can get increasingly difficult, and is very useful to learn vocabulary and expressions.

    I like this blog very much, and your blog about "actividades escolares" in spanish. It is great!. Thanks for share it with us.

    Irene Lasheras Lasarte

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hi,

    I am also a fan of using songs in class. I often use them in Primary school and Nursery. Children remember songs easily and as Irene has mentioned it is a good way to learn and acquire vocabulary.

    Kind regards.
